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Eingangsbereich Hotel Alpenland in St. Johann im Pongau
Bergpanorama Salzburger Land
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FAQ’s around the Hotel Alpenland St. Johann

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a brief overview of frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered below, please contact us. We are always at your service.

What are the check-in and check-out times?

Upon arrival your room will be ready by 4 pm. If you arrive after 9 pm, please let us know beforehand.

We ask you to please check out of your room before 11 am on the day of your departure. We offer secure storage for your luggage, should you wish to spend your day of departure in St. Johann, or in our mytime wellness area. Late Check Out available upon request!

Our Front Desk is staffed from 7 am to 10 pm.

Can I reserve a specific room?

We make every effort to fulfill room and level requests, but please note that we are unable to confirm such requests prior to arrival. The room category is certainly guaranteed.

How do I get to the Hotel Alpenland St. Johann?

Information of where we are and how to get here is available by contacting us or via Google Maps.

Where is the closest train station and airport?

The train station of St. Johann is only 10 minutes from the hotel. The airport of Salzburg is less than 40 minutes away. Salzburg airport offers services to many European cities.

Where can I park my car?

Depending on availability and your reservation a free parking space is provided in our underground parking garage.

Do I have the possibility to charge my electric vehicle and e-bike at the hotel?

Information about charging your electric vehicle is provided here.

Do you offer a ski shuttle in the wintertime and do you offer airport services?

We provide airport transfers with our hotel shuttle. We gladly pick you up from the train station of St. Johann. A shuttle to the ski resort of Alpendorf, a mere 10 minutes from the hotel, is provided during ski season. Please contact us for up-to-date pricing information.

Do you offer half-board and breakfast at the Hotel Alpenland St. Johann?

The generous buffet breakfast is included in our room rates. We gladly offer you the possibility to book half board for your stay with us ahead of time, or at the time of check in. Enjoy daily changing menues and themed buffets, created by our kitchen staff for you. Alternatively you are welcome to dine in our restaurants á la carte and we do offer room service.

Are dogs allowed?

Yes! Your four-legged friend is certainly welcome with us. There is a daily charge of 15 EUROS, without food, assessed. For hygienic reasons pets are not allowed inside our restaurants and the mytime wellness area. We ask for prior notice!

Which form of payments to you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, such as VISA, MasterCard and American Express, as well as Maestro ATM Cards. Of course you can pay for your stay in cash as well. At the time of making your reservation a credit card is necessary to guarantee the reservation.